Tuesday, 29 October 2013


I am mostly atempting to use 3.3v as follows:
-My micro quad is 3.7v using 1s lipo batteries.
-BMP180 is 3.3v
-I have an Arduino pro mini 8mhz 3.3v
-I really like the small size of micro quads, I feel they are not threatening to people around me (it's sub 100g)

The more time I spend thinking about problems, I find different ideas for possible solutions:

-Use a small 2s 7.4v lipo 
-Use a 3.3v regulator to supply the flight controller
-This will probably be too much weight to fly (including fpv camera & tx)

-Use a 5v booster for an Arduino pro mini 16mhz 5v or SimpleOSD
-Increase in weight
-How much reduction in fpv time? (3.7v battery supplies: camera, vtx - video time as is = 1hour)
-Can the BMP180 be used with the SimpleOSD?

In my head, the perfect solution will be:
- 3.7v BenbojanglesOSD that includes BMP180 & Video Sync on board
-the 8mhz or the Arduino 3.3v is not a problem for the BMP180, it works fast enough
-It will be lightest possble weight
- I contacted texas instruments to ask them if they make a video sync separator chip that is 3.3v.
- Still waiting for reply.
- There is also a company called Intersil that make vss chips. here is a list (I am still trying to figure out the different chips, and what they do) Link here

I would be very interested in the video sync without LM1881 chip. I looked on the internet for ideas and tutorials, but could not find anything that offered an accurate tutorial. The main places I found included: here and here (but the link is down)

Tuesday, 22 October 2013


hmmmmmm.... Seems the LM1881 uses a minimum of 5v, so says in it's spec sheet. I will try, if not useable, seek alternative. Always alternatives   

Anyways, here is a video of my progress:

BenbojanglesOSD video1 (0 min 53 sec)


BenbojanglesOSD v0.2 Update


I am making progress with this project 

I have programmed the Atmel 328 to output serial data. This data includes altitude, and timer/counter from the moment I press the reset button.

I have connected this to my tablet using a bluetooth module like this one and I can display both the altitude data and timer. I am happy with the data.

I am waiting for the delivery of the LM1881 chip so that I can work on video overlay, hopefully this will arrive within the next few days.

Once I am happy with the video overlay, I can then work on cleaning it up ready to prototype. I am also waiting for an arduino pro 3.3v 8mhz board so I can work on suitable & efficient 3.3v regulation. 

Here is a picture of my setup so far (the bluetooth output circuit)

Name: 2013-10-22 03-47-53.746.jpg
Views: 22
Size: 59.6 KB

The serial output can print data out at different rates, I am testing my preference between 8xsec, and 64xsec. It is very much fast enough!

I have also experimented with data smoothing algorithms, however I am not satisfied with my experiements, and find raw altitude data more effective. Right now, I am using no decimal places in the altitude data (eg 245.42m), as I think the accuracy is better with just metres. I feel the sensor, like most barometric sensors, jumps about with a deviation of +/- 0.7m. 

So, in summary, the future is:
-LM1881 sensor overlay
-3.3v regulation
-More experiments with smoothing data

Tuesday, 8 October 2013


So, now I have the altitude data, I need to overlay this data onto video. To do this we use an LM1881 - Video Sync Separator chip like this one:

Name: xLM1881.jpg.pagespeed.ic.7XK4LM7Dew.jpg
Views: 7
Size: 13.0 KB

So, go order one already   

Friday, 4 October 2013

BenbojanglesOSD v0.2

Hello tonight I configured video output to the monitor. It was really embarrassingly simple. 

BenbojanglesOSD V0.2
-configured basic video output circuit
-adjusted text screen position

+make smaller font size
+figure out how to overlay onto camera image

Anyway here are a couple of photos of my efforts:

Name: 2013-10-04 09-29-54.425.jpg
Views: 25
Size: 56.2 KB

Name: 2013-10-04 09-41-33.221.jpg
Views: 40
Size: 218.4 KB
Description: Display altitude! :) :) :) An important milestone :) :) :)

Thursday, 3 October 2013