So I've been thinking about adding a camera to my raspberry pi 2 board, ad using it to stream video to my android tablet recently. However, one can't just connect directly their fpv camera to this board.
Everyone knows that the Rpi2 uses a unique 15-pin ribbon cable for its camera-in port.
This means at the moment if you want to connect a camera quickly, and with no work, you have to buy the pi camera that is ready built with this 15-pin connector in mind.
But what if we could find a way to connect an existing composite/av camera to this port using a simple adapter board module?
Just how hard can this be? Just how hard can this be? Just how hard can this be? Just how hard can this be? Just how hard can this be? Just how hard can this be? Just how hard can this be? Just how hard can this be?
It would allow us then to use out trusty Sony CCD camera with the super-low latency that the Pi2 hardware-GPU camera processing, and allow us to also have CCD camera quality.
Here is the data schematic for the 15-pin CSI connector used on the pi camera:
Here is more information about the 15-pin connector on the CSI cable.
Here is how to stream pi camera to a smartphone:
Everyone knows that the Rpi2 uses a unique 15-pin ribbon cable for its camera-in port.
This means at the moment if you want to connect a camera quickly, and with no work, you have to buy the pi camera that is ready built with this 15-pin connector in mind.
But what if we could find a way to connect an existing composite/av camera to this port using a simple adapter board module?
Just how hard can this be? Just how hard can this be? Just how hard can this be? Just how hard can this be? Just how hard can this be? Just how hard can this be? Just how hard can this be? Just how hard can this be?
It would allow us then to use out trusty Sony CCD camera with the super-low latency that the Pi2 hardware-GPU camera processing, and allow us to also have CCD camera quality.
Here is the data schematic for the 15-pin CSI connector used on the pi camera:
Here is more information about the 15-pin connector on the CSI cable.
Here is how to stream pi camera to a smartphone: